Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gigantic (2008) – DVDRip

Not so typical boy meets girl story, that is delusional and twisted. Quite a bit like this media driven life since the main characters all act like they are at the top of their game (Like they are on some sort of metaphysical stage.). Intermixed with the controversy of brutal and crazy honesty, there lies a hair of truth. Its the hair of truth you have to see to feel. Side-lining the story the male main character has a recurrent assailant which breaks up the stream of events, in a mysterious way. The modern delusions held by the main character are complex and hard to understand, even as the movie comes to a close. However the delusions are made real leaving you really pondering something outside the box (brain). As the story progresses and you learn more about the main character, his life gets entangles with those you are introduced to. One is an old school friend, the other is a beautiful girl with an equally odd family. At times the drama appears as if it will turn depressing dwelling on the repressed emotions the characters are a part of. However Gigantic manages to string you along until all is well and you are pondering whether such a story is possible in real life.


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